Mentally-Deranged Man Jumps To Death While Escaping Mob In Ibadan

Mentally-Deranged Man Jumps To Death While Escaping Mob In Ibadan, A mentally-deranged man suspected to be a kidnapper jumped to death in Molete area of Ibadan, the Oyo State capital on Tuesday while trying to escape an angry mob that had set him ablaze.

Before the incident, the mentally-deranged man was reportedly sighted receiving a package from unidentified persons in a private vehicle on the Molete overhead bridge.
Tribune Online reports that he was accosted after the vehicle zoomed off, beaten and set ablaze by the mob.

According to an eyewitness account, that suspect jumped down the flyover in an attempt to escape from the mob and died from injuries sustained.

Mentally-Deranged Man Jumps To Death While Escaping Mob In Ibadan

The eyewitness who doesn’t want his name in mentioned stated that some items recovered from the deceased prompted the attack on him by the mob. The eyewitness listed the items to include N7 million cheque, iPhone and cutlass.
“I was in my shop under the bridge this afternoon when we suddenly saw the mentally-deranged man jump down from the bridge after he had been set ablaze by the mob. I didn’t know what transpired between them on the bridge but I saw him when he jumped down with fire burning on his body.

“The mob was seen pouring petrol on the victim while he was seen rolling in pain on the ground till he finally died.

“I am not in support of jungle justice because we are not sure if anything suspicious was truly seen on him but the mob claimed a cheque of 7 million and iPhone was seen after searching his body,” he said.

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