The Police Command in Kaduna State, says its operatives have arrested 200 suspected bandits and 20 armed robbery suspects between January and March.

The Command’s Public Relations Officer, ASP Mohammed Jalige, announced this during a news briefing at the Command’s Headquarters on Wednesday in Kaduna.

Jalige also disclosed that the Command recovered 18 AK47 Rifles, 2,000 Live Ammunitions of different Caliber, 11 Pump Action Guns, 10 Locally Fabricated Pistols, 140 Shotguns, 12-Guage Cartridges, seven Motor Vehicles of different brand and nine motorcycles.

It is pertinent that we often have an interface with you to showcase our achievements in the fight against armed banditry, kidnapping and other sundry crimes to the public.

“These accomplishments are not without the assurances of your unalloyed support and commitment towards discharging our statutory responsibility.

“Thus, we seek a robust Police Public Partnership in the continuous fight against criminal elements, as the quest of securing the society is everybody’s business.

“The command, during the period under review, is not unmindful of the security challenges bedeviling the state, amongst which are banditry, kidnappings, armed robbery and farmers/herders clashes, just to mention but a few.

However, remarkable efforts were not spared in addressing the situation which culminates into the relative peace currently being enjoyed by law-abiding citizens in the state,’’ he said.

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