The Federal High Court in Abuja has struck out eight out of the 15 terrorism and felony charges against the detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu, filed by the Federal Government.

Justice Binta Nyako, while giving a ruling on Friday, held that the affected counts did not disclose any offence against Kanu.

Justice Nyako’s ruling was on a preliminary objection by Kanu, with which he challenged the validity of the 15-count amended charge on which he was re-arraigned.

“In this instant preliminary objection application, I have read the counts and come to the conclusion that counts six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12 and 14 have not disclosed any offence against the defendant.
Counts one, two, three, four, five, eight and 15 show some allegations, which the defendant has to answer.

“The court shall proceed to try the defendant on those counts,” Justice Nyako said.


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