A gang of armed robbers opened a barrage of gun fire on a bullion van on Thursday afternoon heading to Owerri which resulted in the vehicle somersaulting several times as driver tries to escape from them.

The robbery incident which occurred at Ogbor Nguru Nwenkwo in Aboh Mbaise Local Government along the Umuhia / Mbaise / Owerri highway caused pandemonium in the area as traders and passers – by all scampered for safety to avoid be hit by the stray bullets.

It was learnt that the bandits had opened fire immediately the sighted the bullion van which it was gathered Driver had already discharged the money it was carrying to a branch of a new generation in Mbaise and was returning back to Owerri when it attacked at Ogbor Nguru Nwenkwo
in Aboh Mbaise .

According to eyewitness account, the bandits had opened fire on the bullion van but the driver had escaped death by the whispers as he moved on a top speed ran into some packed cars along the road and somersaulted before he escaped.

The spokesman of the Imo state police command , Mike Abbattam who confirmed the incident said :
“Sketchy information revealed that, the bullion van was returning after delivering money and was attacked by hoodlums. The driver on noticing it tried to escaped unfortunately, his vehicle capsized. No money was carted away please.”

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