The primaries for Ibadan North-East/South-East federal constituency, Ibadan South-East 1 and South-East 2 state constituencies were characterised by some aspirants and delegates being chased out just as sounds of gunshots resonated around the venues.

Across the three venues of Adekile Goodwill Grammar School, Orita-Aperin; St John’s secondary school, Academy and Mapo hall, the chaos was similar as some persons moved from one venue to chase out aspirants, delegates perceived not to be for the favoured aspirants.
At Adekile Goodwill, three aspirants for the Ibadan North East/South East federal constituency seat, Adesina Abidikugu, Deji Aboderin and Niyi Aborishade were chased out of the venue upon the arrival of some party leaders.

After about two hours of the exercise scheduled for 12noon not starting, chaos erupted when an attempt by officials to reel out names of the aspirants was rebuffed by some party leaders and delegates who held that there was no need to reel out names of delegates, aspirants and that the choice candidate should simply be called out and affirmed.
Speaking at Adekile Goodwill grammar school, an official of the Independent National Electoral Commissioner (INEC) Oluwatomisin Agnes ruled that nothing democratic happened in the constituency.

She said the rancour occurred because some people were trying to resist the apparent plan of some leaders of the party to intimidate and impose certain aspirant on the constituency.
Oluwatomisin said: “Nothing really happened. There was rancour; we just left the venue when we saw that nothing happened. Actually, they were supposed to start at 12noon but it didn’t start until minutes after 2 pm.

“The rancour started at the time to call out the name of the aspirants. Some refused saying they don’t need names of aspirants, delegates to be reeled out. They suddenly asked everybody to leave that they want to take over. And I left the venue and don’t know when they concluded.

“There is no democracy in what happened, it was as if they were trying to impose and the people did not like it and protested.”

Speaking from their hiding after being chased out, Abidikugu, Aboderin and Aborisade held that no primary was held in Ibadan North-East/South-East federal constituency.

They held that thugs were guided to the venue to single out, attack and chase out aspirants and delegates who could hamper a predetermined outcome.

Speaking further, they ruled that with intimidation, violence, chaos being the order of the day at the venue of the primary, they had to escape the venue to make a report to the delegation sent from the national headquarters of the party.
Abidikugu said: “The atmosphere was not conducive. Senior officials of the party came with the incumbent and they asked the security agents to shoot at people that they feel will disturb what they predetermined before coming to the venue. The delegates were not free to exercise their franchise. I can say we have not had any primary in Ibadan North East/South East federal constituency.”

On his part, Niyi Aborisade said the exercise in the constituency was simply disenfranchisement and imposition of candidate by powers-that-be in the state chapter of the party.

Visibly upset at the exercise, Aboderin said: “There was no primary. We were prevented from voting. They sent hoodlums and thugs after the three aspirants. We were not even allowed inside. The moment we approached the gate, they chased us out with their thugs and hoodlums.

“The government has failed to create an enabling environment to allow people to do their civic rights. Today there was no election in Ibadan North East/South East because the incumbent was the only candidate that was allowed into the voting venue.

“Immediately I got into the venue, I was the first person to be attacked. They sent thugs to me. People bundled me out of the premises. In an age when we need our people to have good representatives, they are trying to impose on us.

“Why are they coming with thugs? People were shooting. When they did not allow free and fair primaries in the governor’s previous parties, he left the party. If they decide not to give us primaries, nobody should vote for PDP because what they trying to do is to give us people that are not competent. They chased all of us out of the primaries. Who does that?”

However, a former secretary, Ibadan South East Local Government, Mr Yusuf Tope ruled that the exercise in the constituency both for the state and federal seats went peacefully.
Yusuf said it was those that lost out that are alleging that the exercise, especially at Mapo hall, was disrupted.

“Those who lost out will have one or things to say. They can say the exercise wasn’t peaceful, that it was disrupted. Moreover, 13 persons obtained expression of interest forms for the state constituency. So, it is those that have lost out that will take to the social media to allege that the exercise was disrupted. It was peaceful.”

Similarly, a chieftain of the Oyo PDP, Mr Dare Adeleke described as mischievous, fake and malicious news that violence characterised the primaries for House of Assembly in Ibadan South East.

He declared that the election went on peacefully and without rancour, adding that neither himself nor Ambassador Taofeek Arapaja, as alleged, chased out or intimidated anyone.

Meanwhile, the primaries for Ibadan North-East 1 state constituency, held at Ogboriefon place held without any rancour.


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