Anambra Governor Chukwuma Soludo has declared the State is ready and fully prepared for criminals terrorising residents.

He assured security operatives will not leave any stone unturned in decimating the so-called unknown gunmen and kidnappers in the State

Soludo’s confidence followed the raid and destruction of alleged kidnappers’ den in Oba, Idemili South local government area of Anambra State at the weekend by joint security operatives.
He said it had been established the demolished building was an hideout for criminal activities in the State.

According to him: “Henceforth in line with the law, criminals will have no place in any part of Anambra State to hide.

“This  government is fully determined to ensure that the State will  be safe for everyone. The people will move freely around without fear or molestation ”

He  commended those who had been volunteering information, adding every stranger would be suspicious until his or her job was confirmed to be legitimate”.

Soludo said that any building being used for any criminal activities would be brought down and confiscated by government.

The hideout was raided recently where exhibits such as locally made pistol, shrine, charms, concoctions, indian hemp, among other incriminating materials were recovered with some arrests made.

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