Blasphemy: Police Confirm Burning Of Houses, Shops in Bauchi

A Lagos Chief Magistrate, Mushin Court 1, Mrs. Matepu yesterday denied being detained at Area D Command, Mushin.

Mrs. Matepu stated this in a virtual statement issued to give clarification on the face-off she had with the Area Commander, Aliko Dankoli, an Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP)

The incident between them happened last Monday when she went on a routine check of suspects in the cell, based on Police Duty Solicitor Scheme (PDSS) to decongest the police cells.

The Chief Magistrate who admitted that “something happened”, explained that what happened was “not as bad as it was narrated” in online and newspaper publications.

She stated: “I just want everybody to know that, yes, something happened but not as bad as it was narrated.

“I went on a Police visit to Mushin and the Area Commander insisted that I should seek his approval or get his approval before I can interrogate the suspects in the cells.

“I insisted it shouldn’t have gone that way and I put it to him that that is the way I do my job. So, I stood my ground and insisted that I must complete my job and that it is his officers that must report to him after I had finished my job.

“I said that if there is any basis or any need to see him that is when I would see him. I am not supposed to see him first.

“Though, he agitated and started complaining.

“Immediately, the second day, I came to the High Court to report the issue to Mr. Fadeyi who called him out to order

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